25 std::pair<int, std::string> g_ErrorList[] = {
26 std::make_pair(0,
"No error"),
27 std::make_pair(WSAEINTR,
"Interrupted system call"),
28 std::make_pair(WSAEBADF,
"Bad file number"),
29 std::make_pair(WSAEACCES,
"Permission denied"),
30 std::make_pair(WSAEFAULT,
"Bad address"),
31 std::make_pair(WSAEINVAL,
"Invalid argument"),
32 std::make_pair(WSAEMFILE,
"Too many open sockets"),
33 std::make_pair(WSAEWOULDBLOCK,
"Operation would block"),
34 std::make_pair(WSAEINPROGRESS,
"Operation now in progress"),
35 std::make_pair(WSAEALREADY,
"Operation already in progress"),
36 std::make_pair(WSAENOTSOCK,
"Socket operation on non-socket"),
37 std::make_pair(WSAEDESTADDRREQ,
"Destination address required"),
38 std::make_pair(WSAEMSGSIZE,
"Message too long"),
39 std::make_pair(WSAEPROTOTYPE,
"Protocol wrong type for socket"),
40 std::make_pair(WSAENOPROTOOPT,
"Bad protocol option"),
41 std::make_pair(WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT,
"Protocol not supported"),
42 std::make_pair(WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT,
"Socket type not supported"),
43 std::make_pair(WSAEOPNOTSUPP,
"Operation not supported on socket"),
44 std::make_pair(WSAEPFNOSUPPORT,
"Protocol family not supported"),
45 std::make_pair(WSAEAFNOSUPPORT,
"Address family not supported"),
46 std::make_pair(WSAEADDRINUSE,
"Address already in use"),
47 std::make_pair(WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL,
"Can't assign requested address"),
48 std::make_pair(WSAENETDOWN,
"Network is down"),
49 std::make_pair(WSAENETUNREACH,
"Network is unreachable"),
50 std::make_pair(WSAENETRESET,
"Net connection reset"),
51 std::make_pair(WSAECONNABORTED,
"Software caused connection abort"),
52 std::make_pair(WSAECONNRESET,
"Connection reset by peer"),
53 std::make_pair(WSAENOBUFS,
"No buffer space available"),
54 std::make_pair(WSAEISCONN,
"Socket is already connected"),
55 std::make_pair(WSAENOTCONN,
"Socket is not connected"),
56 std::make_pair(WSAESHUTDOWN,
"Can't send after socket shutdown"),
57 std::make_pair(WSAETOOMANYREFS,
"Too many references, can't splice"),
58 std::make_pair(WSAETIMEDOUT,
"Connection timed out"),
59 std::make_pair(WSAECONNREFUSED,
"Connection refused"),
60 std::make_pair(WSAELOOP,
"Too many levels of symbolic links"),
61 std::make_pair(WSAENAMETOOLONG,
"File name too long"),
62 std::make_pair(WSAEHOSTDOWN,
"Host is down"),
63 std::make_pair(WSAEHOSTUNREACH,
"No route to host"),
64 std::make_pair(WSAENOTEMPTY,
"Directory not empty"),
65 std::make_pair(WSAEPROCLIM,
"Too many processes"),
66 std::make_pair(WSAEUSERS,
"Too many users"),
67 std::make_pair(WSAEDQUOT,
"Disc quota exceeded"),
68 std::make_pair(WSAESTALE,
"Stale NFS file handle"),
69 std::make_pair(WSAEREMOTE,
"Too many levels of remote in path"),
70 std::make_pair(WSASYSNOTREADY,
"Network system is unavailable"),
71 std::make_pair(WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED,
"Winsock version out of range"),
72 std::make_pair(WSANOTINITIALISED,
"WSAStartup not yet called"),
73 std::make_pair(WSAEDISCON,
"Graceful shutdown in progress"),
74 std::make_pair(WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND,
"Host not found"),
75 std::make_pair(WSANO_DATA,
"No host data of that type was found")};
76 static const int k_NumMessages =
sizeof g_ErrorList /
sizeof *g_ErrorList;
77 std::map<int, std::string> g_ErrorCodes(g_ErrorList,
78 g_ErrorList + k_NumMessages);
80 typedef int socklen_t;
82 static int LastSockError() {
return WSAGetLastError(); }
84 static inline std::string LastSockErrorString(
const std::string &msg) {
85 std::map<int, std::string>::const_iterator it =
86 g_ErrorCodes.find(WSAGetLastError());
88 (it == g_ErrorCodes.end() ?
"Unknown Error" : it->second);
89 return msg +
": " + err;
92 static void setup_socket(SOCKET sock) {
93 unsigned long one = 1;
94 ioctlsocket(sock, FIONBIO, &one);
101 WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsadata);
103 ~WSAHelper() { WSACleanup(); }
105 static WSAHelper theHelper;